In a letter to us, dated 1st July, 2009, Minister Curran's private secretary Alan Kelly wrote:
"I refer to your letter dated 23rd June 2009 on behalf of the National Steering Group of the Community Development Programme requesting a meeting with Minister of State John Curran T.D. I regret to inform you that Minister Curran is not in a position to meet with the group at this time.
"You are aware from previous correspondence issued by the Department, that, as with many Government Programmes and initiatives, the economic realities reflected in the recent supplementary budget allocations inevitably mean that the amount of funding available for the Community Development Programme will be considerably less in 2009 than in recent years.
"The Department is aware that this will present significant challenges for community development projects..."
The NCDF will issue a formal statement on this matter shortly, but it is safe to say the NCDF is disappointed the Minister of State with responsibility for Community Affairs declined the opportunity to meet people representing volunteer projects in the most disadvantaged communities in the State and to hear their voice.
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We have to build the Forum, and make enough noise that he can't ignore us. It's the only protection we have. The ones who show their teeth are the ones that they respect. The meek may inherit the earth, but they won't get respect from the government.
I agree with previous poster How dare the minister supposed to have responsibility for community refuse to meet community reps whose only interest is the disadvantaged communities that they work with. I for one call on him to reverse his decision and meet with the people he is supposed to be working for.
Save us! Bord snip, 44m in community cuts! Rapid gone. CE scheme decimated. Areas left to rot. What a joke. Shame on all involved with these cuts. We'll be back to the horror days of the 80s with bag snatching, heroin epidemics, no go areas etc. Oh give me strength.
An Bord Snip! I would suggest that you should not be publishing reports or reccomendations on the LDSIP or the Community Development Programme when it is clear that you do not understand the work but cannot even see the differance between the two!!!
The Dept of the Taoiseach spends 17.8 million on salarys (page 202)!!!! 237 employees - 77'105.00 per year - 1444.00 per week and they have the cheek to suggest cuts Social Welfare by 5%.
The allocation to the whole national CDP is little over 18 million. Get a grip and look at the reality! Stop tearing our society apart by targeting the most poverty stricken in the country!!!!
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